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Airflow Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 2 Hours 2022 #Airflow #AirflowTutorial #Coder2j ========== VIDEO CONTENT πŸ“š ========== In this 2-hour Airflow Tutorial for Beginners Full Course, we combine theory explanation and practical demos to help you get started quickly as an absolute beginner. You don’t need any prerequisite to start this course, but basic Python knowledge is recommended. To make the most out of it, it is highly encouraged to follow and try out the hands-on examples. Video Request: Subscribe and Smash the like button to unlock bonus tutorial videos!! 1000 likes πŸ‘ - Bonus videos about how to debug Airflow DAG: 5000 likes πŸ‘ - Bonus videos about Airflow Docker Operator: ========== T I M E S T A M P ⏰ ========== Throughout the course, you will learn: 00:00 - Airflow Introduction 03:06 - Run Airflow in Python Env 10:44 - Run Airflow in Docker 17:55 - Airflow Basics and Core Concepts 21:55 - Airflow Task Lifecycle 26:19 - Airflow Basic Architecture 28:14 - Airflow DAG with Bash Operator 40:09 - Airflow DAG with Python Operator 45:04 - Data Sharing via Airflow XComs 52:53 - Airflow Task Flow API 57:56 - Airflow Catch-Up and Backfill 01:02:09 - Airflow Scheduler with Cron Expression 01:07:25 - Airflow Connection to Postgres 01:08:58 - Airflow Postgres Operator 01:19:30 - Airflow Docker Install Python Package 2 ways 01:29:34 - Airflow AWS S3 Sensor Operator 01:42:37 - Airflow Hooks S3 PostgreSQL 02:00:43 - Course Bonus ========== L I N K S πŸ”— ========== Airflow Books πŸ‘‰ Airflow Documentation πŸ‘‰ Course GitHub Repo πŸ‘‰ ========== Connect with me πŸ‘ ========== Twitter πŸ‘‰ Website πŸ‘‰ GitHub πŸ‘‰

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